I have sat down and put together this Holiday Gift Guide for after Christmas sales that you will want to check out! These are items my family and I received for Christmas that we are loving and look forward to using all year long!
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Maternity/Post Partum Wardrobe Holiday Gift Guide
I am currently reaching the end of my pregnancy and clothes have all become constricting and uncomfortable. So this year for Christmas, I asked for several different items to add to my wardrobe.
This is one of my favorite items that I can’t wait to try! It is a nursing nightgown. With no energy in the middle of the night, it is crucial to have something that is easy access for the baby and you. With my first child, I just word my normal shirts and the bottom half of me would freeze. Then, if I wore a nightgown, my shoulders would be cold.
This will be the perfect mix to keep my shoulders warm and easy access to breastfeed in the middle of the night!
I got four of these, they come in pairs. They are so comfy! If you want comfy yoga pants to lounge around your house in with the kids, these are the ones to get. The band can be folded under your belly or you can have the band up over it. Definitely going to be living in these for a while!
Lastly, I got these super soft and comfy Cardigan Sweaters. If you know me, you know I am always cold. I live in the sweater that I got from Target last year, and I am happy to add this one to my wardrobe to switch back and forth from.
This second cardigan will definitely look better after pregnancy, but I am still very happy to have it in my wardrobe now!
Around the House Holiday Gift Guide
The boys got an outdoor playset for one of their Christmas gifts. They love to play outside, but I do not like to sit out there. So, this year I added some patio furniture that I could be comfortable sitting in while they played. This is the one I got and I couldn’t be more excited to get it set up and start enjoying it. Especially since on Christmas Day, it was 70 degrees here.
Kyle got this as one of his gifts and I feel like it was one of mine! One of the first things I did when we got home was to create a space for it and get it set up. Unfortunately, It was the middle of the afternoon by the time I got it in its place so I haven’t tried it yet. But, you better believe tomorrow one of the first things I am going to try is a latte or cappuccino.
With this Keurig, we will be able to sell our old Keurig coffee maker and my espresso machine since it makes coffee, cappuccinos, and lattes. My espresso machine is nice but it is a pain to have to clean it like I do every time I use it. This new Keurig machine will make cleaning a breeze since it is top-rack dishwasher safe! Who doesn’t love a frothy coffee in the morning!?
Gifts that Little Boys will Love
These are a few of the toys my boys are loving that they got this year. Perfect to add to your kid’s birthday lists or even buy now and save for later.
These are their favorites from what they got. The lion blankets are hooded and perfect for play or sleep. They are also very big, so they will last a long time as they grow.
Kaius loves the linkimals that he can play with individually or they will sing and dance together in unison. If you follow me on Instagram, @momma_of_dragons, you will have seen Kai dancing with them as they sing.
For Gabriel, he loves building things so the domino train and the k’nex pieces are entertaining him for hours. As well as the leapfrog backpack, he can practice his letters and play games with them on the go.
Finally, the two scooters are so fun! For now, they are using them as ride-on toys, but I am sure as they get older they will be used more like scooters. The perfect transition toy that grows with them for their outdoor play!
These are just a few of the different items that we were able to receive this year. We are so grateful for what we have and I wanted to share with you our favorites! Thank you for following along! Did you get any similar items, and which are going to be your most used this coming year?