Tag: bible study

4 Sanctified Rhythms to Rejuvenating Order To Chaos Home And Heart

4 Sanctified Rhythms to Rejuvenating Order To Chaos Home And Heart

In “4 Sanctified Rhythms to Rejuvenating Order To Chaos Heart And Home,” this blog post offers Christian homeschooling moms a heartfelt guide to creating structure and purpose in their chaotic lives. It emphasizes the importance of establishing intentional rhythms that nurture both the home environment and spiritual growth. By integrating practical strategies for Bible study, lesson planning, and household management, moms can transform feelings of overwhelm into a thriving, faith-centered homeschooling experience.

Heirs of Love Study

This month my sister and I have put together a devotional-scripture letter study called Heirs of Love. It is based on what we have been learning in our other devotionals. I would love to share with you more about it and invite you to join us!

The Topic

We are discussing what the meaning of life is in this study. In Ecclesiasties, Solomon asks some really deep questions and tests things out with all his resources and power. We look at that then dive deeper into the word and the Godly broard view to discover what the meaning of life is and answer some of his questions.

Then, from there we are going to discuss what this means to us as Christians and the calling on our lives. I don’t want to give too much away here because I really want to show you the scripture and walk you through it step by step. So, please join us. You can sign up here.

Freebies When You Sign Up

When you sign up, you get a planner page with what verses and lettering we will be going through. Also, you will get a free fashion illustration download.

Looking Forward to the Journey

I hope that you will join my sister and me on this journey. It will be a great discovery and hopefully be a balm to some of life’s deepest questions. In addition to the study, we will be calligraphy lettering each day and sharing via Instagram out lettering. Here is my lettering from Day 1:

Join us on Instagram, @sharrette.co and @sharretteco_design to see the lettering we are sharing through-out the month and a few notes from the study. Feel free to tag us and use #heirsoflove.

See you there!


Devotional Corner – The Beginning

I’ve been consistently spending time doing quiet time the past two weeks, and I thought I would implement a Devotional Corner every now and then on my blog.

Welcome! Thanks for joining me!

Here is a little background on what I’ve been studying:

I’ve been inspired by Amanda, @movethemountains. She had a January Lettering and Devotional challenge that my sister and I joined in called Daughters of Promise. I’m still going through all the days and listening to the devotionals she did as a companion to them. They are so powerful and really speaking to my heart, as well as my sister’s heart.

In addition to that devotional, I’ve been going through one called The Call by Amy Groeschel, She is Pastor Craig Groeschel’s wife. She put together this study for something called Sisters. I’m not quite sure the entire background on the study, but I started going through it with my sisters. We watched one video together, and then I started on the daily devotionals.

Wow, God spoke straight to my heart through this study! It’s been answering some questions I’ve been pondering the past couple of years. Let me share my questions with you.

My Questions

I love the book of Ecclessiaties. I often wonder the meaning of life. What is my purpose, what is the point of making money? It never satisfies and nothing I’ve done or seen can satisfy me because inevitable I always want more. How can this be all there is to life? Always wanting more?

I discussed this and more with my friend, and we just basically go around in a circle. I knew in my heart that my purpose in life is to know God and make him know, but why does that feel like it isn’t enough? What does that even mean? It sounds so cliche to me, and I felt like I was still missing something. I told this to God and decided to also do a study on Ecclesiastes, maybe I was missing something.

More to Come – Stay Tuned

Have you ever felt like there was more to life and you were missing the meaning of it all? Here is a post I wrote about feeling discouraged that might help you. I hope you will Stay tuned for my next devotional corner, I’m going to share exactly what God’s been saying to me and how he has been answering my questions.

Feel free to subscribe so you get a notification when I post the next one! Comment below some of the questions you have had about life, I’d love to pray about them for you.
